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Can't compile project when I'm using Lombok under IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ에서 lombok 플러그인을 설치해주고, Annotaion Compile processing을 체크해주어도 에러가 난다. 특히 2019.2.1 이후 버전대면 무조건 그렇다.

위의 처리를 다 해준 다음 아래의 처리도 해주어야 한다.

For IDEA 2019.2.1, depending on how the project is configured, installing the Project Lombok plugin may not be sufficient. Here is another way to use Project Lombok with IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Visit https://projectlombok.org/download
  2. Download the JAR file into the project lib directory (e.g., $HOME/dev/java/project/libs).
  3. Start the IDE.
  4. Click File 🠖 Settings.
  5. Expand Build, Execution, Deployment 🠖 Compiler 🠖 Annotation Processors.
  6. Ensure Enable annotation processing is checked.
  7. Ensure Store generates sources relative to is selected based on the project's module settings (if Module output directory doesn't work, come back and try the other setting).
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click Plugins.
  10. Click Marketplace.
  11. Set search field to: lombok
  12. Install Lombok.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Restart the IDE if prompted.
  15. Click File 🠖 Project Settings.
  16. Select Libraries.
  17. Click the + symbol to add a new project library (or press Alt+Insert).
  18. Select Java.
  19. Set the path to: $HOME/dev/java/project/libs/lombok.jar
  20. Click OK.
  21. Select the modules to apply.
  22. Click OK.
  23. Optionally, rename lombok to Project Lombok 1.18.8.
  24. Click OK.